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exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT

Painting a Brick House: Everything You Need to Know

Painting a brick house is a big decision that can significantly impact its appearance and value. If you’re considering giving your home a fresh look, it’s essential to understand the steps involved and what to look for when selecting an exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT. This article covers everything you need to know about painting a brick house: preparation, choosing a color, deciding between DIY or hiring a professional, and maintenance. Whether you’re a homeowner or a potential homeowner, this guide will provide valuable information and advice to help you make the right decisions when painting your brick house.


Painting a brick home is a great way to refresh its appearance and protect it from the elements. However, before you begin, it’s essential to take the time to prepare the surface properly. We will discuss why preparing a brick surface before painting is critical for a successful and long-lasting paint job.

Cleaning the surface

Before painting, it is essential to clean the surface of your brick house to remove any dirt, grime, or cobwebs. This will ensure that the paint adheres properly and provides a smooth, even finish. To clean the surface, use a pressure washer or a water solution and mild detergent. Let the surface dry completely before painting.

Repairing cracks and holes

Any cracks or holes in the brick surface should be repaired before painting. This will ensure a smooth surface and prevent paint from seeping into the cracks or holes, causing the paint to peel or crack over time. An exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, can help with these repairs, or you can do it yourself with a brick repair kit and some essential tools.

Selecting the right paint

Selecting the right paint for your brick house is crucial for achieving the desired result. Not all paints are suitable for use on brick, so it’s crucial to choose a paint specifically designed for masonry surfaces. Be sure to select a water-resistant, durable paint designed for your area’s climate. An exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, can help you select the right paint for your brick house.

Gathering tools and materials

You will need several tools and materials to paint your brick house, including paint brushes, rollers, paint trays, drop cloths, and masking tape. It’s essential to have the right tools and materials to ensure that the painting process goes smoothly and efficiently. An exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, will have access to all the necessary tools and materials and can provide you with a comprehensive list of what you will need.

Painting Process

house painter in West Hartford, CT

Painting a brick home is a great way to enhance its appearance and protect it from the elements. However, it’s essential to know how to properly paint a brick surface to achieve a professional-looking finish and ensure the longevity of the paint. 

Applying primer

Before painting, it is essential to apply a primer to the surface of your brick house. Primer will help the paint adhere properly, prevent peeling and cracking, and provide a smooth, even surface. It is crucial to select a primer that is specifically designed for use on masonry surfaces. An exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, can help you choose the suitable primer for your brick house.

Choosing the right brush

Choosing the right brush is essential for achieving a smooth, even finish. A high-quality brush with synthetic bristles is recommended for painting brick. Be sure to choose a brush that is the right size for the areas you will be painting, and that is comfortable for you to use. An exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, will have access to various brushes and can recommend the best one for your project.

Painting techniques

When painting a brick house, it is crucial to use the proper techniques to ensure a smooth, even finish. Start by painting the edges and corners of your house first, and then use a roller to paint the larger areas. Be sure to paint in the same direction as the brick and avoid over-brushing the paint, which can cause brush marks and an uneven finish. An exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, can provide guidance and tips on the best painting techniques for your brick house.

Applying a second coat

Depending on your selected color and finish, you may need to apply a second coat of paint. Wait for the first coat to dry completely before applying the second coat. Be sure to follow the same techniques and procedures as you did for the first coat, including brushing and rolling in the same direction as the brick.

Caring for newly painted surfaces

After your brick house is painted, it is essential to take care of the newly painted surfaces to ensure that the paint lasts for as long as possible. Avoid washing the painted surfaces for at least two weeks after painting, and be sure to clean up any spills or stains as soon as possible. An exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, can guide you on how to best care for your newly painted brick house.

Choosing the Right Color for Your Brick Home

Choosing the right paint color for your brick home can be challenging, but it’s an important decision that can significantly impact the appearance and curb appeal of your property.

Considering the surrounding environment

When choosing the color for your brick house, it is crucial to consider the surrounding environment. Think about the colors of the other homes and buildings in your neighborhood and the colors of the trees, sky, and other natural elements. Choosing a color that complements the surrounding environment will help your house stand out positively. An exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, can guide you on the best colors for your area.

Selecting a color scheme

Once you have considered the surrounding environment, you can start selecting a color scheme for your brick house. Choose a color scheme that reflects your style and preferences and complements the surrounding environment. A neutral color scheme is often the safest option, but you can also choose a bold color scheme to make a statement. An exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, can provide you with a range of color options to choose from.

Deciding on a finish

The finish of your paint can also impact the overall look of your brick house. There are several finishes to choose from, including glossy, semi-gloss, satin, and matte. The finish you choose will depend on the type of paint you have selected, your chosen color scheme, and your personal preferences. An exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, can guide you on the best finish for your brick house.

DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

Professional painter in West Hartford, CT

Hiring a professional exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, can provide several benefits. Professionals have the experience and expertise to get the job done quickly and efficiently, and they have access to the right tools and materials to get the job done right. Additionally, professionals can guide you in choosing the right color and finish, and they can help you avoid mistakes and prevent damage to your brick house.

While hiring a professional may be more expensive than doing it yourself, it can be worth the extra cost in the long run. A professional exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, will have access to the right tools and materials, and they will be able to complete the job in a fraction of the time it would take you to do it yourself. Additionally, a professional paint job is more likely to last longer and require less maintenance, saving you money in the long run.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Once your brick house has been painted, it is crucial to maintain it regularly to keep it looking its best. Regular maintenance can extend the life of the paint and keep it looking fresh and vibrant. An exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, can provide tips on maintaining your newly painted brick house properly.

Depending on the type of paint you have used, the climate in your area, and the level of exposure your brick house has to the elements, you may need to repaint your house every 5-15 years. An exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, can advise you on how often you should repaint your brick house based on your specific needs and circumstances.

To preserve the paint on your brick house, it is essential to clean it regularly, fix any cracks or holes promptly, and avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals and elements. An exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, can provide tips on how to care for your newly painted brick house properly, so it will continue to look its best for years to come.


In conclusion, painting a brick house can transform the look and feel of your home. Whether you are looking to update the color, improve curb appeal, or protect your brick from the elements, it is a project that requires careful preparation, attention to detail, and the right tools and materials. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your brick house will be painted to the highest standards and will look its best for years to come.

If you are looking for a professional exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, consider reaching out to West Hartford House Painting Experts. With years of experience, a commitment to quality, and a reputation for excellence, West Hartford House Painting Experts can help you achieve the look you want for your brick house. They can provide you with the expert advice and guidance you need to make your painting project a success.