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Exterior House Painting: Do’s and Don’ts for Beginners - West Hartford House Painting Experts

Exterior House Painting: Do’s and Don’ts for Beginners

Exterior house painting is an integral part of home maintenance and can significantly enhance the curb appeal of your property. However, for beginners, painting a house’s exterior can seem daunting and overwhelming. With so many different factors to consider, it’s essential to approach the project with careful planning and preparation to ensure a successful outcome.

In this blog post, we’ll provide you with expert tips and advice on the do’s and don’ts of exterior house painting, focusing on the specific needs of homeowners in West Hartford, CT. Whether you’re looking to freshen up the look of your home or add value to your property, this guide will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to tackle your exterior house painting project like a professional exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT. So, let’s dive in!


Before you begin your exterior house painting project, it’s crucial to properly prepare the surface to ensure a smooth and long-lasting finish. Here are some essential steps to follow:

Cleaning and prepping the surface

The first step in any exterior house painting project is thoroughly cleaning the surface. This includes removing any dirt, dust, or debris that may be present. Exterior house painters in West Hartford, CT, usually do this using a power washer or hand scrubbing the surface with a cleaning solution. Additionally, it’s essential to scrape off any loose or peeling paint, as this can affect the adhesion of the new paint.

Sanding and repairing damaged areas

After the surface is clean, it’s essential to sand any rough or uneven areas to create a smooth surface for the new paint. This is also an excellent time to repair any damage, such as cracks or holes in the surface. Make sure to fill these areas with a high-quality filler and sand them smooth before moving on to the next step.

Choosing the right paint and tools

Once the surface is prepared correctly, it’s time to choose the right paint and tools. When selecting your paint, choose a high-quality exterior paint specifically designed for the surface you’ll be painting. This will ensure that the paint adheres properly and provides long-lasting protection. Exterior house painters in West Hartford, CT, will choose the right tools for the job, such as brushes, rollers, and sprayers, based on the size and type of surface you’ll be painting.

Do's of Exterior House Painting

When it comes to exterior house painting, there are several vital things to remember to ensure a successful outcome. Here are some important do’s to follow:

professional exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT

Use high-quality paint

Choosing high-quality paint is essential to achieving a long-lasting and professional-looking finish. Look for exterior paint specifically designed for the type of surface you’ll be painting, such as wood, brick, or stucco. Investing in high-quality paint will also save you time and money in the long run, as it will require fewer coats and last longer.

Prime before painting

Priming the surface before painting is an important step that should not be skipped. Exterior house painters in West Hartford, CT, prime to seal the surface, prevent stains from bleeding, and provide a smooth surface for the paint to adhere to. Make sure to choose a primer compatible with your chosen paint and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.

Paint in dry weather

Painting in dry weather is crucial to achieving a smooth and even finish. Moisture can cause the paint to blister and peel, so it’s important to avoid painting in rainy or humid conditions. Additionally, make sure the surface is completely dry before starting to paint.

Protect surrounding areas with tape and plastic

When painting the exterior of your house, it’s essential to protect surrounding areas from accidental paint splatters or spills. Use painter’s tape to mask off areas such as windows, trim, and doors. Cover any nearby plants or other outdoor items with plastic to protect them from paint drips or overspray.

Don'ts of Exterior House Painting

Don'ts of Exterior House Painting​ - West Hartford House Painting Experts

To ensure a successful outcome for your exterior house painting project, avoiding inevitable common mistakes is essential. Here are some don’ts to keep in mind:

Don't skip the cleaning and prep work

Skipping the cleaning and prep work can lead to various problems, such as poor adhesion, uneven paint, and premature peeling or flaking. Take the time to properly clean, sand, and repair the surface before painting to ensure the best possible outcome.

Don't paint over damaged areas

Painting over damaged areas, such as cracks, holes, or rotting wood, will only lead to more problems in the future. Make sure to properly repair any damage before painting, using high-quality materials and techniques to ensure a long-lasting repair.

Don't paint in wet weather

Painting in wet weather can cause the paint to not correctly adhere to the surface, leading to a poor finish and potential damage over time. Always wait for dry weather conditions before starting your exterior house painting project.

Don't use low-quality or mismatched paint

Using low-quality paint or mixing different types of paint can result in an uneven finish, poor adhesion, and premature peeling or flaking. Stick to high-quality, matching paints specifically designed for the type of surface you’ll be painting.

Tips for a Successful Exterior House Painting Project

Tips for a Successful Exterior House Painting Project​- West Hartford House Painting Experts

In addition to the do’s and don’ts of exterior house painting, several tips and techniques from exterior house painters in West Hartford, CT, can help you achieve the best possible outcome. Here are some expert tips to keep in mind:

Work from top to bottom

When painting the exterior of your house, it’s essential to work from the top down. This allows the paint to flow smoothly and helps to avoid drips and runs. Start with the roofline and work your way down to the foundation, carefully painting each section evenly and entirely before moving on to the next.

Take breaks and stay hydrated

Exterior house painting can be physically demanding, so taking breaks and staying hydrated throughout the process is essential. Take frequent breaks to rest your arms and back, and drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

Use the right techniques for different surfaces

Different surfaces, such as wood, brick, and stucco, require different painting techniques to achieve the best possible finish. Make sure to research and use the proper techniques for each surface you’ll be painting to ensure a professional-looking outcome.

Follow manufacturer instructions and guidelines

Finally, following the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines for the paint and any tools or equipment you’ll be using is essential. This will ensure that you are using the products correctly and safely and will help to achieve the best possible results for your exterior house painting project.


Painting your house’s exterior can seem daunting, but with the proper preparation and approach, it can be a satisfying and rewarding project. By following the do’s and don’ts of exterior house painting and using high-quality materials and techniques, you can achieve a professional-looking finish that enhances your home’s curb appeal and value.

For professional and reliable exterior house painting in West Hartford, CT, look no further than West Hartford House Painting Experts. Our experienced team of painters utilizes the latest techniques and highest-quality materials to deliver exceptional results. Let us help you transform the look of your home with a lasting finish that you can enjoy for years to come. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your exterior house painting project with confidence.