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The Benefits of Investing Home Renovations — Exterior House Painters in West Hartford, CT, Weighs In

5 Common House Painting Mistakes: Prevention Tips from an Exterior House Painter in West Hartford, CT

Painting your home’s exterior can be a daunting task, but it’s also a great way to refresh your home’s look and add value to your property. However, painting mistakes can be costly, both in terms of time and money. Any experienced exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, has a story to tell regarding painting projects that have gone wrong. In this blog post, you will learn about five of the most common house painting mistakes and discover some tips on how to prevent them.

#1 Skipping the Prep Work

Any seasoned exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, would say that proper preparation is a critical step in achieving a professional-looking finish when painting the exterior of a house. Skipping the prep work can lead to issues such as peeling paint, uneven finish, and damage to a home’s exterior.

First Step: Cleaning the Surface

The first step of surface preparation is cleaning the surface to be painted. Over time, dirt, dust, and other contaminants accumulate on the surface, making it difficult for the paint to adhere properly. Failure to clean the surface can result in an uneven finish, with areas where the paint has failed to adhere properly.

  • Mild Detergent and Water. Any exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, would recommend using mild detergent and water to clean the surface thoroughly. This will remove any dirt or grime, ensuring that the paint will adhere properly. When cleaning the surface, it’s important to use a soft-bristled brush or a pressure washer to avoid damaging the surface.
  • Specially Designed Cleaning Solution. If you’re cleaning a surface that has mildew or mold, it’s important to use a cleaning solution that is specifically designed to remove these contaminants. A bleach solution is often effective for removing mildew and mold from exterior surfaces.
  • Removing Loose or Peeling Paint. Before applying a new coat of paint, it’s important to remove any loose or peeling paint from the surface. This can be done using a scraper or wire brush. It’s important to remove all loose or peeling paint before applying a new coat of paint. Failure to do so can result in an uneven finish, with areas where the new paint has failed to adhere properly.

Second Step: Repairing Any Damage

After cleaning the surface, the next step is to repair any damage. This can include filling in cracks, repairing holes, and fixing any other damage to the surface. This step is crucial because it ensures that the surface is smooth and even, which is essential for achieving a professional-looking finish.

Any cracks or holes in the surface should be repaired before painting. This can be done using a patching compound. The compound should be applied using a putty knife, and any excess should be smoothed out. Once the compound has dried, the surface should be sanded smooth.

Third Step: Priming the Surface

The final step in surface preparation is priming the surface. Priming is essential because it helps the paint adhere properly to the surface, ensuring a smooth and even finish. It also helps to prevent the paint from peeling or chipping over time. When choosing a primer, make sure to select one that is appropriate for the surface you will be painting.

exterior house painter in west hartford ct

#2 Using the Wrong Paint

Using the wrong type of paint can result in a finish that doesn’t adhere well or fades quickly. Different surfaces require different types of paint, and it’s essential to select the right type of paint for your home’s exterior. Consult an experienced exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, for guidance on which type of paint works for the type of surface to be painted.

Understanding Different Paint Formulations

When selecting paint for your home’s exterior, it’s important to understand the different formulations available. There are several types of paint, including oil-based, latex-based, and acrylic-based. Each type of paint has unique properties that make it more suitable for specific surfaces and environments.

Choosing the Right Paint for Your Home's Exterior

Choosing the right paint for specific surfaces is crucial for achieving a professional-looking finish that will last for years. A professional exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, would give the following recommendations when choosing the right paint for common exterior surfaces:

  • Wood: To ensure that wood surfaces are properly painted, it’s crucial to use exterior-grade acrylic latex paint or an oil-based paint designed to resist fading, cracking, and peeling. Both types of paint have excellent adhesion and durability properties. Acrylic latex paints tend to be more flexible and breathable, whereas oil-based paints provide superior adhesion and durability.
  • Stucco: Stucco surfaces require a paint that can adhere to the rough texture of the surface. High-quality, 100% acrylic paint is an excellent option for painting stucco surfaces. This type of paint is flexible, durable, and resistant to cracking and peeling.
  • Brick: Brick surfaces require breathable, water-repellent paint that allows the brick to “breathe.” It’s important to choose a paint that resist fading, chalking, and efflorescence, and that offers good adhesion to brick surfaces.
  • Metal: When painting metal surfaces, it’s important to use a rust-inhibiting, oil-based paint or an acrylic latex paint that is made for metal surfaces. Look for a paint that is rust-resistant, durable, and provides good adhesion to metal surfaces.
  • Concrete: When painting concrete surfaces, it’s important to use a paint that is specifically created for concrete. This type of paint is durable, long-lasting, and resistant to chalking, fading, and peeling.
Paints on the floor and a ladder

#3 Not Using the Right Tools

When it comes to painting surfaces, having the right tools is essential for achieving a professional-looking finish. A reliable exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, typically uses the following tools when painting a home’s exterior:

  1. Paintbrushes: Paintbrushes are essential for painting smaller areas and for detailing work. Look for brushes that are designed for use with exterior paints and that offer good stiffness and durability. The size and type of brush you need will depend on the specific area you are painting.
  2. Rollers: Rollers are essential for painting large, flat areas such as walls and ceilings. Look for high-quality rollers that are designed for use with exterior paints and that offer good absorbency and durability. Choose the appropriate roller nap based on the texture of the surface you are painting.
  3. Paint Sprayers: Paint sprayers are an excellent option for painting large areas quickly and efficiently. They can be used with a variety of paints and coatings and offer excellent coverage and a smooth finish. However, they can be more expensive and require more skill to use.
  4. Spray Guns: Spray guns are similar to paint sprayers and are a great option for painting large areas quickly and efficiently. They can be used with a variety of paints and coatings and offer excellent coverage and a smooth finish. However, like paint sprayers, they can be more expensive and require more skill to use.
  5. Paint Edgers: Paint edgers are designed to help you achieve clean, straight lines when painting around windows, doors, and other trim. They are easy to use and can save you time and effort when painting your home’s exterior.
  6. Paint Trays: Paint trays are essential for holding paint when using rollers or paintbrushes. Look for trays that are large enough to hold enough paint for your project and that are easy to clean.
Professional painter finishing up the wall

#4 Painting in the Wrong Weather Conditions

Painting your home’s exterior is a significant investment, both in terms of time and money. Therefore, it’s important to choose the right time to paint to ensure the best possible outcome. A reputable exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, would recommend homeowners consider the following factors when deciding when to paint:

  1. Temperature: Extreme temperatures can impact the way that paint dries and adheres to the surface. In general, the ideal temperature range for exterior painting is between 50°F and 85°F. Temperatures that are too hot can cause the paint to dry too quickly, while temperatures that are too cold can cause the paint to dry too slowly and may result in poor adhesion.
  2. Humidity: High humidity can impact the drying time of paint, and may lead to a finish that doesn’t dry properly or adheres poorly to the surface. The ideal humidity level for exterior painting is below 50%.
  3. Rain: Painting during rainy weather is a recipe for disaster. Even light rain can ruin a fresh coat of paint. Make sure to check the weather forecast before you start painting, and wait for a period of dry weather before beginning your project. An expert exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, knows that painting during rainy seasons is bad for your painting project.
  4. Wind: Wind can also impact the quality of your paint job. Dust and debris can stick to wet paint, ruining the finish. Additionally, wind can cause the paint to dry too quickly, which can lead to an uneven finish.
Two professional working on the ceiling painting

#5 Rushing the Job

Painting your home’s exterior is a significant investment of time and money, and it’s important to take the time to do the job right. Rushing through a paint job can result in a finish that is uneven, with drips and missed spots. A seasoned exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, would counsel anyone doing a paint job to do the process carefully for the following reasons:

  • An Even Coverage: When you rush through a paint job, it’s easy to miss spots or apply the paint unevenly. This can result in a finish that looks patchy and unprofessional. Taking your time allows you to ensure even coverage and a smooth finish, which will make your home look its best.
  • Fewer Mistakes: Rushing through a paint job can lead to mistakes such as drips or brush marks. These mistakes can be difficult to fix and may require additional time and effort. Taking your time allows you to paint carefully and avoid these issues, resulting in a finish that is free of flaws.
  • Lasting Results: By taking your time and painting carefully, you’ll achieve a professional-looking finish that will last for years. This is important because painting your home’s exterior is a significant investment, and you want to ensure that your paint job looks great for as long as possible.

Advantages of Hiring a House Painting Expert

While painting your home’s exterior can be a rewarding and satisfying experience, there are several advantages to hiring a professional exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, rather than doing it yourself. Here are a few reasons why hiring an expert can be beneficial:

Quality of Work

Professional painters have years of experience and the skills necessary to achieve a high-quality finish. They understand the importance of proper surface preparation, choosing the right type of paint, and using the right tools and techniques to achieve a flawless finish. This means that you can expect a result that looks amazing and will be long-lasting, with a professional exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT.

Time Savings

Painting your home’s exterior can be a time-consuming task, especially if you’re not experienced. Hiring a professional exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, can save you time and hassle, allowing you to focus on other priorities. Instead of spending several weekends trying to complete a project, you can entrust the job to a professional, who will be able to get the job done much faster than you would be able to.


Painting your home’s exterior can be a hazardous task, particularly if you need to work at heights or use ladders. Professional painters are trained to work safely and have the necessary equipment to ensure their safety and that of your property. This means that you can relax knowing that the painting job is being done without any risks to anyone, and if there are any accidents or unforeseen incidents, the professional exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, would know what to do.

Warranty and Insurance

Professional painters typically offer warranties on their work, giving you peace of mind that any issues will be resolved. Additionally, they are typically insured, so if any damage occurs during the project, you won’t be held responsible. This provides you with the assurance that the exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, will take care of any issues that may arise and that you won’t be liable for any accidental damages that may happen during the project.

Expert Advice

A professional exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, can provide expert advice on color selection, paint types, and other aspects of the project. They can help you choose a color scheme that complements your home’s architecture and enhances its curb appeal. This means that you will have someone to guide you every step of the way, and will have access to the expert knowledge that professional painters have.

Tips on How to Hire the Best House Painter in Town

If you’re considering hiring a professional exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, here are a few tips to help you find the best painter for your needs:

Look for Experience

One of the most important factors to consider when hiring an exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, is their level of experience. Look for a painter who has been in business for several years and has a track record of delivering high-quality work. Experienced painters have a wealth of knowledge about the painting industry, and can provide you with invaluable insights and advice.

Check for Licensing and Insurance

Before hiring an exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, make sure they are licensed and insured. This will protect you from liability in case of any accidents or damage that may occur during the painting project. Licensed and insured painters are also more likely to be reliable and professional, which can give you peace of mind throughout the project.

Ask for References

Don’t hesitate to ask for references from past clients. A good exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, should be able to provide you with a list of satisfied customers who can vouch for their work. Take the time to speak with these references and ask them about their experience with the painter. This will help you gain insight into the painter’s work ethic, professionalism, and quality of work.

Get Multiple Quotes

It’s always a good idea to get quotes from multiple painters before making a decision. This will give you an idea of the average cost for your project and help you find an exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, who offers a fair price. Make sure you compare the quotes carefully and ask for a breakdown of the costs to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.

Look for Guarantees

A reputable exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, should offer some form of guarantee on their work. Make sure you understand the terms of the guarantee before hiring a painter. A good guarantee will give you peace of mind knowing that the painter will stand behind their work and take responsibility for any issues that may arise.

Ask About the Painting Process

When speaking with potential painters, ask about their painting process. This will give you an idea of what to expect during the project and how they plan to achieve a high-quality finish. A good exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT, should be able to explain their process in detail and answer any questions you may have.

Check Online Reviews

Don’t forget to check online reviews of a potential exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT. This will give you an idea of their reputation and how satisfied their past clients have been. Look for painters with consistently positive reviews, and pay attention to any recurring themes in the reviews, such as reliability, quality of work, and professionalism.


Painting your home’s exterior can be a great way to refresh its look and add value to your property. However, it’s important to avoid common painting mistakes to ensure a professional-looking finish that lasts for years. To ensure a professional-looking finish, it’s important to take the time to properly prepare the surface, choose the right paint and tools, and get the service of a professional exterior house painter in West Hartford, CT if needed.

If you want to ensure a professional-looking paint job for your home’s exterior in West Hartford, CT, you can get the service of West Hartford House Painting Experts. Our team has the experience and knowledge to deliver a high-quality paint job that will last for years. Contact us today to get started with your house painting project.